Compulsion by Heidi Ayarbe
April 17th - May 14th
Coordinated by: Kari

Sunday, April 17: Teens Read and Write (Video Interview)
Monday, April 18: Corrine at Lost For Words (Character Interview: Kasey)
Tuesday, April 19: Nancy at Amusing Reviews (Tens List: Jake)
Wednesday, April 20: Melanie F at Melanie's Musings (Review)
Thursday, April 21: Jami S at YA Addict (Kyle and Maya on Jake)
Friday, April 22: Jessi E at The Elliott Review (Character Interview: Tanya)
Saturday, April 23: Melanie G at Reclusive Bibliophile (Review)
Sunday, April 24: Alison at Alison Can Read (Tens List: Tanya)
Monday, April 25: Sherry at Flipping Pages For All Ages (Review)
Tuesday, April 26: Books Complete Me (Editorial Review with Ruta and Heidi)
Wednesday, April 27: Kathy at I Am A Reader, Not A Writer (Review)
Thursday, April 28: Lauren M at 365 Days of Reading (Character Interview: Jake)
Friday, April 29: Girls in the Stacks (Interview with book line answers)
Saturday, April 30: Jamie L at Bookmarked Blog (Teenage Garage Sale)
Sunday, May 1: Jami S at YA Addict (Review)
Monday, May 2: Katie at Mundie Moms (Guest Post on compulsions)
Tuesday, May 3: Jessica T at A Fanatic's Book Blog (Character interview: Luc)
Wednesday, May 4: Girls in the Stacks (Review)
Thursday, May 5: Sherry at Flipping Pages For All Ages (Character Tweets)
Friday, May 6: Kathy at I Am A Reader, Not A Writer (Video Interview)
Saturday, May 7: Teens Read and Write (Review)
Sunday, May 8: Melanie G at Reclusive Bibliophile (When I'm Not Writing)
Monday, May 9: Page at One Book At A Time (Tens List: Luc)
Tuesday, May 10: Katie at Mundie Moms (Review + Evening Live Chat)
Wednesday, May 11: Jessi E at The Elliott Review (Review)
Thursday, May 12: Kari at A Good Addiction (Multicharacter Post)
Friday, May 13: Melanie F at Melanie's Musings (Character Interview: Maya)
Saturday, May 14: Lauren M at 365 Days of Reading (Review)