The Opposite of Amber by Gillian Philip
March 14 - April 8
Coordinated by: Kari

Monday, March 14: Natalie of Mindful Musings
(Author Interview)
Tuesday, March 15: Keyona of Only Sexy Books Allowed
(Guest Post)
Wednesday, March 16: Danny of Bewitched Bookworms (Review)
Thursday, March 17: Angela of Reading Angel (Playlist)
Friday, March 18: Jessica of A Fanatic's Book Blog (Review)
Monday, March 21: Erica of The Book Cellar
(Character Interview - Ruby)
Tuesday, March 22: Jessica of A Fanatic's Book Blog
(Guest Post)
Wednesday, March 23: Jessi of The Elliott Review
Thursday, March 24: Amber of Just Your Typical Book Blog
(Rock This! Music Interview)
Friday, March 25: Natalie of Mindful Musings (Review)
Monday, March 28: Samantha of Read Sam Read (Character Interview - Jinn)
Tuesday, March 29: Christie of The Fiction Enthusiast (Cover Post)
Thursday, March 31: Jessi of The Elliott Review (Author Interview)
Friday, April 1: Amber of Just Your Typical Book Blog (Review)
Monday, April 4: Danny of Bewitched Bookworms (Character Interview - Nathan)
Tuesday, April 5: Kari of A Good Addiction (Book Recommendation List)
Wednesday, April 6: Kate of The Neverending Bookshelf (Review)
Friday, April 8: Erica of The Book Cellar (Review)