Two Moon Princess by Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban
April 4th - April 30th
Coordinated by: Kari

Monday, April 4: Amber Clark at Page Turners (Guest Post + Giveaway)
Tuesday, April 5: Lexie at Poisoned Rationality (Character Interview: Andrea + Giveaway)
Wednesday, April 6: Melissa at Mel's Books and Info (Review)
Thursday, April 7: Britta at I Like These Books (Tens List + Giveaway)
Friday, April 8: Amy at Reading Teen (Author Interview + Giveaway)
Saturday, April 9: Kayla at Caught Between The Pages (Review)
Sunday, April 10: Diana at Books By Their Story (When I’m Not Writing + Giveaway)
Monday, April 11: Michelle at See Michelle Read (Author Interview + Giveaway)
Tuesday, April 12: Page at One Book At A Time (Review)
Wednesday, April 13: Gail at Ticket To Anywhere (This or That List: Carmen)
Thursday, April 14: Kayla at Caught Between The Pages (Tens List + Giveaway)
Friday, April 15: Lexie at Poisoned Rationality (Review)
Saturday, April 16: Page at One Book At A Time (Cover Interview + Giveaway)
Sunday, April 17: Britta at I Like These Books (Review)
Monday, April 18: Nicole at WORD For Teens (Into the Past)
Tuesday, April 19: Melissa at Mel's Books and Info (Character Interview: Julian)
Wednesday, April 20: Elizabeth at Swords For Fighting (This or That List: Andrea + Giveaway)
Thursday, April 21: Michelle at See Michelle Read (Review)
Friday, April 22: Kristen at Bookworming in the 21st Century (Author Interview + Giveaway)
Saturday, April 23: Kathryn at Beastie Books (Tens List + Giveaway)
Sunday, April 24: Nicole at WORD For Teens (Review)
Monday, April 25: Nicole at Books Complete Me (Character Tweets + Giveaway)
Tuesday, April 26: Kate at The Neverending Shelf (Author Interview)
Wednesday, April 27: Diana at Books By Their Story (Review)
Thursday, April 28: Christie at The Fiction Enthusiast (Tens List)
Friday, April 29: Emily at Emily's Reading Room (This or That List: Julian)
Saturday, April 30: Amy at Reading Teen (Review)